Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Accentuate the Positve, Eliminate the Negative..

It's easy to say and easy to do. Because I say it is. Because you say it is. I know, I know. You sit and think, "easy for you to say, Lady McKermit, Kermit the Frog is your power animal, how could you NOT be positive. But seriously, folks. I am a firm believer in the notion, "What you speak is what you create" I did some searching to try to find out the origin of that phrase but in the amalgam of inspirational things I read and listen to, it appears to be a good catch-phrase. If you, my dear reader, know otherwise please correct. The main point of this is to say, I am a patient person and getting better all the time not.. "Patience isn't one of my virtues" even in a self-deprecating way, you create that notion, you give it voice and it has power over you. In my life, I created the notion that I was bad at math, I said it over and over again despite the fact that when looking back at my grades in 1-6, I got A's and B's in math, until the sixth grade when I failed that class. I continued my struggle with numbers until recently when I discovered, ( I should say rediscovered ) I am good at them, I just needed to believe that I was. I have an accountability partner who helps me with this goal but now, I say, I am good at numbers and getting better all the time. Try it, what do you have to lose except your feeling of negativity?

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