Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Time Is Now... ACT

Loyal Lilypad Followers- When you think about things you want to do, all the things from learning a new language or climbing Mount Everest, what stops you? The voices.. you know the ones. All the ones that climb to high levels of volume and intensity in your head, but once you trot them out to the people you love best, they say, that's ridiculous! Ludicrous even... But most of us don't do that, most of us are paralyzed by the fear they cause and don't ever act and then fear wins. I was chatting with a friend of mine recently who is fearless and incredibly accomplished. I actually asked her this question. Is there anything you can't do? She says, "I never ask that question." I think this is a worthwhile idea to pass on to you my dear readers.. Or put another way.. Reframe the question to say. What can I do? The answer. Everything and Anything... Wow!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Accentuate the Positve, Eliminate the Negative..

It's easy to say and easy to do. Because I say it is. Because you say it is. I know, I know. You sit and think, "easy for you to say, Lady McKermit, Kermit the Frog is your power animal, how could you NOT be positive. But seriously, folks. I am a firm believer in the notion, "What you speak is what you create" I did some searching to try to find out the origin of that phrase but in the amalgam of inspirational things I read and listen to, it appears to be a good catch-phrase. If you, my dear reader, know otherwise please correct. The main point of this is to say, I am a patient person and getting better all the time not.. "Patience isn't one of my virtues" even in a self-deprecating way, you create that notion, you give it voice and it has power over you. In my life, I created the notion that I was bad at math, I said it over and over again despite the fact that when looking back at my grades in 1-6, I got A's and B's in math, until the sixth grade when I failed that class. I continued my struggle with numbers until recently when I discovered, ( I should say rediscovered ) I am good at them, I just needed to believe that I was. I have an accountability partner who helps me with this goal but now, I say, I am good at numbers and getting better all the time. Try it, what do you have to lose except your feeling of negativity?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Life is short. Love Hard its all there is...

Life is precious. Breathe in every single moment because they go by fast. My husband had hernia surgery today, and as we prepared for going to the hospital and checking in and all glamorous tasks that go along with major medical procedure such as power of attorney and end of life decisions. I thought wow, I am a blessed woman. I love this man with all my heart and I am so happy to be his wife. I was also thinking, Dear Lord, please do not take him away from me. As previously stated worry is not a helpful action. Taking action is ten times better than worrying about what is happening. Its a lot easier to not worry when all the control is in someone else's hands. In this case God's in the form of a very competent surgeon and four nurses who cared excellently for my husband, and he came through with flying colors, as I had faith he would. I have heard it said that one can not trust God and worry at the same time, its true. My faith was tested today, its not something I talk about everyday but I am grateful for God's presence in that operating room and in the kind and loving hands of the nurses who treated him. I found it best to consider them an extension of my loving care, in absentia. I couldn't be there, so I let them do their jobs and trusted that God would guide them and he did.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A life lived in fear is a life half lived

A life lived in fear is a life half lived.... so easy to say but doing it, that's the hurdle. April 12, 2011 springs to mind, I did a stand up routine for the first time and it was a success, I was jumping out of my skin, and nervous and excited but I had the ultimate escape hatch, it was my first time doing stand up. Not true today. Tonight I give my 10th speech to a group of strangers. You would think that being an actor, I wouldn't be nervous but you would be wrong. I thought about it and thought about it and wrote the speech two weeks ago but in a way I have been prepped to give this speech for a long time, which makes it all the more crucial to get it right. I know it won't be perfect, but I am determined to give it my best shot. What will you do today that scares you?