Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Stop waiting for the other shoe.....

Don't worry. Worry is interest paid on a debt that never comes due. "The Spanish Prisoner" Think about that. You are paying interest on something that isn't owed. No worry collector is going to come knocking at your door to say, you had a job interview and didn't worry about it so now, you don't get the job. The worry was your pass to get it. That would be ridiculous. Then it stands to follow, you won't profit from worrying. Ever. That is not to say that feeling a desire to do your best and DO all you can do to bring about a positive outcome is not required. It is and more often than not, it will result in you achieving your goals. The next time you start to worry, no matter what the cause, focus instead on what you want to happen, and review all the steps you took thus far to get there and examine if there is anything else you can do. If not, let it go and move on to the next item that needs your attention, trust me, its just around the corner and you CAN handle it!

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