Friday, August 24, 2012

Don't be defined by your past!

"Regrets are a waste of time. They're the past crippling you in the present." I enjoy this quote for a lot of reasons, one is that its from a movie I enjoy, "Under the Tuscan Sun" but the most important reason I like it is because it is true. Think about it, if you were to fall off your bicycle when you were very young, and being traumatized by the experience so much that you don't get on the bicycle ever again, think of what you miss out on? You would be so concentrated on the past and what went before you are unable to see the opportunities open to you here, and now. It could be your destiny to be the next Tour de France champion but because you skinned your knee and never got back up to try again, you never realized that dream. This same credo can be applied to falling in love, exercising, or learning a new language. If it is hard, its worth doing. What do you need to do to get beyond your past? Well that is a good question. What will YOU do to overcome your past and not be defined by it? Think about it!

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