Monday, August 20, 2012

Going for the "GOLD"

The recent Olympics inspired me to talk about goals, and while I am no athlete, *gym once a week, doesn't really count* I realize there are lots of corollaries to being a champion. The time that is devoted to one simple goal, "Gold" made me realize that while obstacles may seem insurmountable, they aren't. I find that in going for the "Gold" in your own life you can use that as a way to keep in mind the important components of that. G- for Good.. "Perfect is the enemy of the good"-Voltaire Sometimes you find that while you strive to be perfect, you will fail every time, but good is often enough of a move forward. Don't be so hard on yourself, good is better than nothing. O- Be Open to Obstacles. They often help clarify something you didn't know or expect and can be guideposts to the next step in what you want to accomplish. L- Listen. Listen. Listen. We have one mouth and two ears, you should bear this in mind and listen twice as much as you speak. Something someone else says or does could be the key to your forward motion. D- Dedication. Focus on your goal, ask others for help, and if necessary, rededicate yourself after a setback. Think about how you can "Go for the Gold" in your own life, work, and relationships.

1 comment:

  1. I love the part about listening more than speaking; I think a lot of us like to fill the silence with superfluous words, or, in other cases, can't stand to hear what's really being said and so speak over it.
